Disclosure: The 2021 Top Workplaces award was given by the Detroit Free Press on November 15, 2021 (for 2021), November 22, 2013 (for 2013), November 19, 2012 (for 2012), and November 14, 2011 (for 2011). It recognizes companies and organizations in Michigan based on employee feedback gathered through a workplace survey conducted by Energage, the research and technology company behind the Top Workplaces awards. The anonymous survey measures 15 culture drivers, including alignment, execution, and connection. An application fee was paid in connection with this award.
Flexible Plan was recently named a 2021 Top Workplace by The Detroit Free Press.
Headquartered in Michigan, Flexible Plan employs approximately 100 at its Bloomfield Hills location, with Regional Business Consultants working with thousands of financial advisors around the nation. Since 1981, our focus has been on preserving and growing capital through active investment and risk management. Managing over $2 billion in assets as of December 31, 2021 we offer an open-architecture, fee-based investment management approach that specializes in strategically diversified portfolios of actively-managed strategies within equity, debt and alternative asset classes available within VAs, VULs, 403(b)s and 401(k)s utilizing no-load mutual funds and ETFs.
—Based on WorkplaceDynamics Survey, 2013
We believe the success of our business is linked directly to the talent and commitment of our people. Flexible Plan’s management team strives to meet and exceed employee expectations by recognizing and encouraging innovation and advancement.
We continue to prioritize the satisfaction of employees. We recognize hard work and accomplishments through our competitive compensation and benefits packages.
A company is only as good as its employees, and here at Flexible Plan we strive to provide our team with the best possible work environment. To have that recognized by one’s employees is the best possible award.
–Jerry Wagner, President & Founder of Flexible Plan Investments, Ltd.